To see how much money is left on a Mercury gift card, flip it over and find the website address in the bottom right corner. Go to the website and type in the card number. The card number is the first number on the back of the card, right next to the black magnetic strip. Enter the security code, which is to the right of the card number. Enter the letters and numbers on the captcha image and click “Submit” to see the balance.
Online, you can only check the balance of a Mercury gift card if the merchant has bought a MercuryGift On Demand website that can do balance checks. Mercury will take care of this site after it is bought, and it will be fully functional in about two weeks.
Mercury gift cards can be bought by businesses that want to use gift cards in their places of business. They can be made to look however you want, and they can be used and reloaded at different stores. They can also be used again. Businesses can use Mercury to process gift cards from third parties for a fee. Processing is free when cards are ordered straight from Mercury.
Gift cards for Mercury don’t have any value until they are bought. Once bought, a store employee processes the transaction by putting the money for the card into the register, activating the card at the point of sale terminal, and electronically loading the balance onto the card.