The best way to check if a Coach product is real is to call the company directly at 800-444-3611 and talk to a customer service representative with the product’s serial number, or to email customer service on the Coach website. The Coach representative can check that the item is real and that the serial number is correct.
You can also look up the serial number of a Coach handbag online by typing “Coach” and the number into a search engine. If the bag is real, the Web search shows a picture of the bag that goes with that particular serial number. Handbags made by Coach can only be sold at Coach stores, Coach outlet stores, and department stores that are authorised to sell them. On the company’s website, you can find a list of stores that sell Coach products.
In the mid-1960s, Coach made a leather patch called a “Creed Patch” that was sewn on to the inside of its handbags. In the mid-1970s, the company began putting serial numbers on the handbags.