About 3/4 of a pound, or 12 ounces, is what a pint of blueberries weighs. One pound is 16 ounces, so 1 pound of blueberries is 1 1/3 pints.
A dry pint is a measurement of volume, not weight, so a pint of one material does not weigh the same as a pint of another material. About two dry cups are in a pint of blueberries. There can be some difference in how much a pint of blueberries weighs from one store to the next. Only about 1 1/2 cups are in a 10-ounce package of frozen blueberries. My Recipes’ Marge Perry says that people who want to cook with frozen blueberries should let them thaw before adding them to the dish. This keeps the texture of the blueberries.