There are many things that affect how many stamps you need to put on a manila envelope. The size, weight, and destination of the package are the most important things to think about.
How Big the Envelope Is
Because manila envelopes are bigger than regular envelopes, you need more than one stamp to mail one. A letter must be at least 3.5 inches by 5 inches and can be no bigger than 6.1/8 inches by 11.5 inches. It can’t be thicker than a quarter of an inch and can’t weigh more than three and a half ounces. A large envelope is at least 6.8 inches by 11.5 inches and no more than 12 inches by 15 inches. It is at least 3/4 of an inch thick and can weigh no more than 13 ounces. When a Manila envelope is bigger than a large envelope and weighs more than a large envelope, it is considered a package.
The size of the manila envelope as a whole is another thing that affects how much it costs to mail. When you mail an oversize envelope, it costs more than when you mail a standard envelope. Because the larger envelope is harder to handle, this extra fee is usually called a “handling charge.”
Putting the Weight on the Envelope
You can use Manila envelopes to mail things like books, cosmetics, and small toys. Some manila envelopes have foam inside to protect fragile items. Take into account that the weight of the manila envelope will add to the total weight of the mail. For example, if you want to mail a small jar of coffee, you might want to use a bubble-wrapped manila envelope. Some types of manila envelopes are made with thicker paper to make them stronger.
How much the package weighs
First, use a postal scale to find out how much a manila envelope package weighs. This will tell you how many stamps you need to send it. When you use postal software, you don’t have to go to the post office. One well-known company that makes postal software offers a calibrated postal scale. Make sure the scale is accurate, because it is one of the things that determines how much the postage will be. If you don’t have postal software or a scale at home, go to your local post office. How many stamps you need to mail a package will depend on how much it weighs. At a post office, stamps are replaced by postage stickers with the right amount on them.
Taking into account the Postal Service
With the USPS, you can send large or letter-sized manila envelopes by priority mail express, priority mail, or first-class mail. If the manila envelope is big enough to be a package, it can also be sent through standard post, which is cheaper but takes longer. Media mail, which used to be called “book rate,” can be used to send things like books, manuscripts, sound recordings, or educational materials without any ads. UPS and FedEx are two other companies that offer their own prices for manila envelopes.
Distance Matters
The price of sending a manila envelope is based on its size, weight, and distance. For example, it costs less to mail an envelope within the same zip code than to send it across the country.
In the end, there is no magic number that tells you how many stamps you need to mail a manila envelope. Instead, the postage is based on a number of things, such as the envelope’s size, weight, and where it is going.