A Peavey guitar serial number is a unique identifier that is assigned to each instrument produced at the Peavey factory. The serial number is often located on the back of the guitar’s headstock.
Guitars, like many other factory-made products, are issued in series. Due to the fact that the manufacturer issues a unique serial number to each instrument as it leaves the assembly line, instrument owners or sellers can cross-reference the serial number with the instrument’s precise year or month of manufacture.
Serial numbers are not only useful for identifying a particular instrument’s vintage. They can also assist with the recovery of a lost or stolen instrument. Serial numbers are also useful for identifying and obtaining the correct replacement components should repairs ever be required. Although an official and comprehensive listing of Peavey serial numbers is not available online, Peavey maintains a serial number forum on its website where anyone interested in determining the age of a particular instrument can submit the serial number and receive information from the factory.
Peavey began manufacturing instruments in 1964 and expanded rapidly to add amplifiers and other musical equipment. The company is currently one of the world’s leading manufacturers of instruments and electronics.