Talkee gives the phone numbers 712-432-7463, 218-862-3788, and 218-862-3784 for free party lines. On the website, you can find phone numbers for certain groups, like Afro, Anglo, Asian, or gay groups. People can also look for phone numbers by the state they are in.
Talkee tells people that each line is free and completely private. When someone calls the number, they are led through the system. People who call for the first time hear an introduction. They can skip this in the future. After that, a room number is given for one-on-one talks. The person who called will then be told to go to the lobby. Here, they can choose from things like live personals, group chat rooms, and voice mail. Each room has a number, and there can only be 8 people in each one. The caller can press 6 or 7 to move back to the previous room or move forward to the next room.