According to Crayola, the most well-known manufacturer of crayons, the combination of purple and orange produces the colour burned sienna. According to the manufacturer, burnt sienna is a mud-like colour with a brown tint.
Violet combined with orange
Both violet and orange are secondary hues. Orange is composed of red and yellow, while purple is composed of red and blue. When orange and purple are combined, they produce a mixture of all three main hues (red, yellow, and blue), albeit red will predominate. The result of combining the three primary hues is usually brown. As the combination of purple and orange contains so much red, it produces a warm brown colour. This colour, which is a bright brown with red undertones, is commonly known as burned sienna.
Depending on the proportions of orange and violet, burnt sienna can acquire a pinker, nearly mauve hue. The proportions of purple and orange can be altered to create a brown hue that is either considerably darker and cooler or considerably warmer and brighter. In any case, the brown will appear excessively red or brassy, as both orange and purple are composed of red. There is essentially no way to combine the two hues without producing a predominant red hue.
By definition, purple is composed of equal portions of red and blue, while orange is composed of equal parts of red and yellow. In actuality, there is considerably greater variety between hues. Purples with a greater proportion of red than blue produce brighter hues, such as magenta and fuchsia, but a mixture containing more blue produces a much deeper hue, such as indigo. Orange with a higher percentage of yellow might be considerably brighter. This yellow-orange hue is found on number two pencils and specific varieties of macaroni and cheese. Orange can also be a considerably darker hue with more red than yellow. In this instance, the deep red-orange hue is far closer to scarlet than it is to a regular orange.
Just as there is much potential for variation within the hues purple and orange, there is also ample room for variation within their combination. The brown one produces may be quite bright and brassy due to the presence of red, but it may also be darker due to the presence of blue. Obviously, a higher proportion of orange produces a lighter brown, whereas a higher concentration of purple produces a darker brown.
Mixing white, black, or grey into the orange-and-purple combo can also alter it slightly. This will increase the opacity of the brown colour, making it either clearer or murkier.
Combining Violet and Orange Colors
As stated previously, both purple and orange are secondary colours, generated by blending two basic colours. By combining yellow and blue, green is the third secondary colour.
Purple and orange create a warm brown that matches well with green because they are all derived from secondary hues. If more of a dark bluish-purple is used into the orange and purple mixture, the resulting brown might be very dark, almost black. This produces a visually appealing contrast between brighter, yellow-heavy greens and more subdued, white- or pale-gray-mixed mint greens.
Since both purple and orange are derived from red, all warm colours complement both hues. Consequently, the spectrum of browns resulting from the combination of orange and purple pairs nicely with warm oranges, reds, and yellows. Brown and gold are an excellent colour pairing. Complementary are a deep brassy brown and a strong crimson or perhaps a bright red-orange.
Colors That Contrast
To comprehend colours that contrast, it is necessary to first comprehend colour theory. Color theory assists artists, designers, and ordinary people in combining colours. Additionally, colour theory can teach individuals how to produce new hues and tones.
The colour wheel reflects much of colour theory. The fundamental colours — red, yellow, and blue — form the basis of the colour wheel. These hues are arranged in a triangular pattern on the colour wheel, with red at the top, yellow at the bottom left, and blue at the bottom right. (On other colour wheels, a different primary colour is put at the top.) So, what is a primary hue? Red, blue, and yellow are the main colours since they provide the basis for all other hues.
In contrast, orange, green, and purple are secondary colours since they are the result of equal proportions of two primary hues. Consequently, how are these secondary hues arranged on a colour wheel? Since the combination of red and blue creates purple, purple is located between red and blue on the colour wheel. Orange is the result of mixing red and yellow, therefore it lies between red and yellow. Green is located between blue and yellow.
The colour wheel is also useful for displaying complementary hues, or colours that go well together. A contrasting colour is one that is directly opposite another colour on the colour wheel. Therefore, yellow is the complementary colour to purple, while blue is the complementary colour to orange. While these hues seem excellent next to one another, the result of combining two clashing hues is brown.
Tertiary colours, also called intermediate colours, are created by combining a main and secondary colour. Instead than using equal blends, tertiary colours are created by including more of one colour than another. Yellow-green, for instance, is a tertiary hue that, as its name suggests, contains far more yellow than green.
The combination of primary and secondary colours is considered a complementary colour scheme. The identical reasoning applies to tertiary hues. Nonetheless, the colour wheel can be used to determine which contrasting colour goes best with a given shade of purple or orange. Even complementary colours for something like burnt sienna can be found using this method. Regardless of whether you are working on an interior design project or a graphic design task, it is essential to understand how colours connect to one another and which ones work best together.