Two 1/3 cups added together yields 2/3 cups. 1/3 of a cup is equal to.33 cups, therefore. 33 cups plus . 33 cups equals .66 cups. The standard American cup holds 8 fluid ounces. 1/3 or.33 of 8 ounces is 2.64 ounces, therefore 2/3 U.S. fluid cups or 1/3 U.S. fluid cups plus 1/3 U.S. fluid cups is 5.28 U.S. fluid ounces. The capacity of the British imperial cup is 10 imperial ounces. Therefore, 1/3 or.33 of 10 ounces equals 3.3 ounces. Thus, 1/3 cup imperial plus 1/3 cup imperial equals 6.6 ounces.
How Do Fractions Work?
Fractions are defined as a portion of a whole and are represented by a numerator and a denominator. In fractions, a line called a vinculum separates the numerator and denominator.
Typically, the numerator of a fraction will be smaller than the denominator. There exist, however, fractions whose numerators are higher than their denominators. Such fractions are referred to as “incorrect fractions.” Incorrect fractions can be turned into mixed fractions, which consist of a whole integer and a fraction, as in 1 1/2.
Combining Fractions
Combining fractions is simple. Add the numerators of fractions with identical denominators, such as 1/3 + 1/3, and keep the denominator. Thus 1/3 Plus 1/3 = 2/3. In fractions that do not have a common denominator, such as 1/2 + 1/3, multiply the numerators with the denominators of the other fraction, and then add the resulting numerator.
Since dividing 12 by 2 yields 2 and dividing 13 by 3 yields 3, adding 2 and 3 yields 5, which becomes your new numerator. The result of multiplying the denominators of the two fractions will be the new denominator. Thus, 1/2 Plus 1/3 equals 5/6.
The process of converting fractions to decimals
Because fractions represent division, they resemble formulas for division. In other words, 1/3 is equivalent to 13, which is 0.33. Therefore, 1/3 cup is identical to 0.33 cup and 0.33 cup more. 33 cups equals .66 cups.
American Customary and British Imperial Cups
Both the American customary system and the British imperial system are derived from the old English system. While length, weight, distance, and area are the same in both the U.S. customary and imperial systems, the units for volume such as fluid ounces, cups, pints, and quarts are different.
A U.S. fluid ounce is comparable to 29.573 millilitres using the metric system for volume as a standard (mL). Since an American fluid cup contains 8 fluid ounces, one American fluid cup contains 236.48 mL 1/3 or 78.04 mL. This makes two-thirds of a cup equal to 156.07 dollars.
The imperial fluid ounce has 28.413 millilitres. Since 1 imperial cup contains 10 imperial fluid ounces, it is equivalent to 284.13 millilitres. 1/3 of an imperial cup is equal to 93.76 millilitres, and 2/3 of an imperial cup equals 187.52 millilitres, using the same equations as before.
The Measurement System Cup
Although it is rarely used, the metric system also has its own cup. One cup in the metric system has 250 mL. One-third of a metric cup is 82.5 millilitres. Therefore, 1/3 metric cup plus 1/3 metric cup becomes 2/3 metric cups, which is equivalent to 165 mL.