150 millilitres, which is written as “mL,” is the same as 0.634 cups. This amount is about the same as 5.072 ounces. A cup is 8 ounces, which is 236.59 millilitres.
To get from millilitres to cups, divide the number of millilitres by 236.59. If you divide 150 millilitres by 236.59, you get 0.634 cups. If someone had 400 millilitres, they would have 1.691 cups. This is because 400 divided by 236.59 is 1.691.
To turn cups into millilitres, multiply the number of cups by 236.59. When you multiply 4 by 236.59, you get 946.36 millimetres. 1/2 cup is equal to 118.295 millilitres (the result of 0.5 multiplied by 236.59).