
What Is a Riddle That Has the Answer of “clock”?

The solution to the puzzle “What has hands but no arms and a face but no eyes?” is “clock.” A clock is also the solution to the riddle “Without fingers I point, without arms I strike, and without feet I run.” “Who am I?

Among the brief clock riddles is “What has hands but cannot clap?” “What has a face yet never frowns?” Longer clock puzzles include: “I have two hands on my face; check on me to maintain your speed. “Who am I? I have a face that never frowns and hands that never wave. I do not stroll but rather move about “Who am I?

Joel Gomez
Joel Gomezhttps://www.gadgetclock.com
Joel Gomez is an Avid Coder and technology enthusiast. To keep up with his passion he started Gadgetclock 3 years ago in 2018. Now It's his hobby at the night :) If you have any questions/queries and just wanna chit chat about technology, shoot a mail - Joel at gadgetclock com.

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