According to the company’s website, McDonald’s code of ethics is to conduct business ethically and within the letter and spirit of the law. The McDonald’s Corporation as a whole, from employees to the Board of Directors, is expected to adhere to the company’s stated values of conduct. These values include the commitment to act with integrity, honesty, and dependability.
McDonald’s website contains a document titled “Standards of Business Conduct” that serves as a guide for employees to make ethical business decisions. McDonald’s employees must annually attest that they will adhere to the Standards of Business Conduct. In addition, employees receive regular training on business conduct standards, anti-bribery laws, and other laws pertinent to their job functions, as well as on government regulations and company policies. McDonald’s international employees receive training on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The FCPA prohibits improper government official payments. Additionally, McDonald’s has its own global anti-corruption policy. The Board of Directors must adhere to the Director Code of Conduct, which is also posted on the website of the company. This policy requires Directors to act in the best interests of the company’s shareholders, to be honest and fair, and to comply with all applicable laws. McDonald’s suppliers are also expected to adhere to a code of conduct for suppliers.