
What Is Professional Competence?

Professional competence refers to the extensive professional knowledge, attitude, and abilities required to function in a specialised field or career. A test of professional competence in any particular field requires both disciplinary knowledge and the application of concepts, procedures, and abilities.

Knowledge of a discipline displays the utilisation of available resources to identify facts and concepts and to carry out essential procedures. The programme enables the confident and competent completion of tasks, procedures, and job-related processes.

In the professional realm, the application of concepts, skills, and procedures yields a product or a project. This application enables the completion of a specified objective related to the specialised sector.

Joel Gomez
Joel Gomezhttps://www.gadgetclock.com
Joel Gomez is an Avid Coder and technology enthusiast. To keep up with his passion he started Gadgetclock 3 years ago in 2018. Now It's his hobby at the night :) If you have any questions/queries and just wanna chit chat about technology, shoot a mail - Joel at gadgetclock com.

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